Monday 2 July 2012

Hello dearest friends,
I have arrived in Kolkata safe and sound and am getting to know the Indian way of life. I flew in on Saturday afternoon and was able to share a taxi into the city with two lovely Korean girls who were also travelling. After dumping ma shit in my room (a very plain, dark room but clean and with AC) I had dinner with my two newfound friends at a nearby place called JoJo's which was good. I have been feeling a little unwell so have only been eating very plain food like naan etc. Yesterday I went for a wander through the crazy streets and somehow managed not to get hit by speeding taxi's and mopeds. The heat is incredible, the monsoon hasn't arrived here in Kolkata yet and in the middle of the day it is just blistering. But I was reluctant to sit in my room as it's rather lonely and I am still feeling a little homesick. It has been a massive change and I think it will take me while to get used to it. At the moment I really cannot see myself lasting longer than two moths, but we shall see. Today I have met two lovely girls from the Netherlands who were both travelling by themselves and have organised to meet up with them later, which will be lovely. Tomorrow morning I fly to Delhi and from there catch a bus straight to Chandigargh to stay with my friends Raman and Gulshan. I am very much looking forward to settling for a little while where I can relax a bit.  I shall write soon dear ones, cheerio, xxx