Saturday 14 July 2012

Howdy folklets,
Not a great deal has occurred since last I wrote, but I'll give you a quick update regardless. Thursday was a pretty relaxing day, I just pottered about doing this and that; eating, drinking coffee at my new favourite haunt, perusing the endless stalls, getting photo's put on a disc. You know, the usual. In the afternoon a new friend from NZ took me to conversation hour with a lovely Tibetan girl (it's where you just volunteer to have a chat with a Tibetan so they can practice their english with you). It was really very incredible. Her name was Tenzin and she had come to India when she nine, (she is now 20). To hear of her journey here was pretty heartbreaking. They literally walked by night through the mountains, taking cover by day from the Chinese soldiers. It took them a year to reach India. She has since been at school in Bangalore with about 2000 other Tibetan refugee kids. Their  day starts at about 5 in the morning and doesn't finish until about 10 at night. She is so incredibly dedicated to her studies and doing the very best that she can. Her family remain in Tibet and the last time she was able to speak to them on the phone was 2008! She told me of how very homesick she gets sometimes and how she cries for her family. It was so heartbreaking. I told her of how I get very homesick aswell, even though I have only been gone 2 or so weeks and am able to get in contact with my family pretty much whenever I want. I just couldn't imagine what it must be like for her. She is so brave and strong and dedicated to succeeding in her life, it made me feel my life has been so easy. It was an incredible chat and we exchanged numbers at the end and are going to meet for a chat again soon!
Yesterday I awoke to a rather aggressive toilet session and an awful headache. Oh yes, my trusty friend diarrhoea is visiting, and he bought his equally as charming friend Mr. vomit. It was a pretty shithouse day. But I did call home for the first time which was just amazing! It was so so nice to hear everyone's voices and be able to talk to them. I might have got a little teary but it was magical none the less. I spent the rest of the day in bed watching movies on TV. In the afternoon I had two fuckwit Indian tourist guys hanging outside my window asking me to come smoke and drink with them. It seems that agressive 'NO's aren't clearly understood here, so after about ten minutes of them literally rapping on my window I threw my door open and told them they "can stop harassing me and go get fucked you perverted fucking creeps!". They got the message. It wasn't nice to have to get really angry but they didn't seem to understand that when I say I have a six foot two boyfriend from Africa and that I don't want to come drink beer with you I mean leave me alone you creepy fuckheads. Anyway, it's the most trouble I've had from any guys so at least they pissed off in the end.

Today I have managed to keep down a piece of toast and venture out of my room to the internet cafe, but I don't think I'll be doing much more. I am however feeling better, so hopefully tomorrow I am back on track. I hope you are all as excellent as ever. All my love, Jessa x