Tuesday 12 June 2012

And so here we are, at the two weeks mark. Fuck yes I am excited!

I applied for my visa yesterday, and am hoping against hope that everything shall be okay and I have it back by the end of the week. Little progress has been made in the way of a warm jumper. I can't bring myself to purchase an item of clothing which has either fleece or plastic shit on the outside. I just can't do it. I think shall just wait until I get cold enough and buy a jumper over in India.  Although that certainly won't be on the agenda for the first little while as it will be fucking hot. Like 40 degrees hot. And sweaty. I may as well just be in a giant pool of Indian sweat swimming about. What a glorious image. 
But alas, I daresay you don't want to hear about all that boring shit. I'll save my next post for just before I leave, and then I am into the real thing! And if all is as I hope it shall be there shall be some wild fucking tales being shared on this bayd boy, so strap yourselves in mofo's, cause shit is going to get real!