Tuesday 26 June 2012

Howdy Folks, 
6 hours until take off and I am surprisingly calm, if a little excitable. My bag is packed at an acceptable 7.8 kg and my passport, money etc are gathered and safe. I am just super fucking excited and ready to go! The weather here is miserable, and the thought of a little warmth is rather welcoming. No doubt the reality of the heat shall be excruciatingly evident once I step off the plane and immediately want to turn around and go home. But alas, the shame of returning after a mere 16 hours would certainly outweigh the sweaty butt, heat rash and general exhaustion endured if I stayed. No doubt being your average young western female I'll be weeping my eyes off wanting to go home but my stubborn pride would prevent myself from actually letting anyone know I'm having a shit time, so let's presume I shall be despite what I say. I fly into Kuala Lumpur tomorrow morning at about 4.30am, which leaves me with a rather uncomfortable 8 or so hours until I can check into my accommodation, so that's going to be interesting. I then spend 2 nights in KL before I fly on to Kolkata, the beginning of my utter shit fight of a trip. I daresay there are going to be some fucking shit times, but I'm rather hoping there will some amazing ones too. We'll soon find out. Until then, stay awesome dear ones. I'll be boring you soon enough with 1001 white girl problems, so cherish your time apart from me as I'll no doubt be haunting your dreams soon with horror stories of diarrhoea stained sheets. 