Friday 20 July 2012

Thanks to my dear Papa, I have rediscovered this, which I wrote in March I think. It reminds me how much I need to be here and how I need to be soaking up every second!

"I am rather fond of the idea of just doing whatever the fuck I like, whenever I want. I'll be as free as you can be in a place such as India. Free to stay in a town for as long as I please, free to wander the streets with no destination in mind and free to sit on cushions all day drinking tea and reading if that is what I fancy. I can meander along at my own pace with nothing to worry about except myself, which to be honest I can not wait for. Don't  get me wrong, I love home. I love Byron Bay. And I especially love my fam fam here, but I'm starting to go a little insane. Quite insane infact. Bored. Tired. And yearning for a place far away and vastly different to the place I have been these past nineteen years. I need a change. And I'm ready for it.  I'm ready for the stench of the cities of India, the assault upon the senses, the tiring kindness of the beautiful people and the undoubtable greatness of the rivers and mountains. I am so ready for India. Now I just need to get there."

Thanks Dad for making me realise just how much I want to be here. LOL xx ;)